
I'm Priya.

a programmer.

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Priya's Profile Picture

Hi there!

I am a 4th year student pursuing B.Tech from MANIT, Bhopal in Electronics & Communication Enginnering. I am skilled in Data Structures, Algorithms and Full Stack Web Development. Looking for a challenging career and be a part of a progressive organization that gives scope to enhance my knowledge, skills and to reach the pinnacle in the computing and research field with sheer determination, dedication and hard work.
Here is my Resume

My Skills.


Proficient in Node.js & express.js for handling backend. Familiar with authentication techniques like JSON Web Tokens, Passport.js, etc and created several APIs using them.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms

What I love most about programming is the problem solving. I am proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms, which are the identity of a good Software Developer.


Proficient in C, C++ and Javascript.

  • C - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • C++ - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Javascript - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Subject Matter Expert Intern (Jan-Feb – 5 weeks)

It was a 5 weeks intern. I really enjoyed working here, and learnt a lot of skills which will definitely help in my near future. Learned some quality skills like leadership, time management, and more importantly team-work.

  • Managed projects in academic development platform.
  • Collaborated with colleagues and project team leader to ensure timely completion of courseware development
  • Responsible for Creating and editing existing standards. Provided technical editing and e-learning content publishing. Credentials



Node.js | Express.js | Mongodb | Passport.js

  • Created an e-commerce website using Node.js for backend , MongoDB for database and Used Passport.js for authentication.
  • Admin can add or modify products while user can explore products and add to their own personalized cart.
  • User can filter Items based on category.
  • login or signup securely to enjoy the shopping experience.
  • Deployed on Heroku


React.js | Node.js | JSON Web Tokens |

  • The project Real Time Chat Application uses Web Technology to transfer messages securely in Real Time.
  • The front-end of the Application is created using React.js and the back-end is created using Node.js and Express.js.
  • The Database used to store the chats is MongoDB . MongoDB Atlas is used to store Database on cloud
  • The messages are sent in Real Time using SOCKET.IO.
  • The main features of the Application are Register Page, the Login Page , the Home Page and the Chat Rooms Page


Node.js | Express.js | Mongodb

Created a Simple Blog App using Node.js and express.js for backend MongoDB for database. User can add a post anonymously.
It also has delete, edit a post functionalities.


Web Developers Bootcamp

This is a complete course to start making decent web apps using html, css, javascript, node.js, express.js, passport.js, mongoDB, Rest APIs, deployment, heroku, git and much more. In course is completely application based and includes really cool apps like a travelling site name YelpCamp, a blog app, to-do list etc. Here is my certificate of completion Here

Get In Touch

If you love problem solving as much as I do.

My inbox is always open, Contact me.
Ask me about anything, I'll be happy to help!

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